Morelli Electronics s.r.o. was established at the beginning of 2013 by connecting long-term partners in the field of electronics. Mutual experience on both sides and the need for greater production efficiency, not only in the field of assembly, led to the founding of our own company which deals with the production of custom-made electronics.
Our company provides a complete service in the field of production and assembly of printed circuit boards. The company´s head office is located in Lanškroun. This town is historically connected with companies dealing with electronics whose history is connected with the legend in this area, namely the original company Tesla.
Production is provided by two flexible lines that are able to process the vast majority of what today’s component manufacturers offer.
SMT line for prototypes and small series is fully automated and used for serial production.
SMT line for medium and larger series is fully automated. All machines are controlled by a central network computer to optimize the process.
We provide completion up to the final packaging of the products, including transport to the end customer.